A personal project of mine, I wanted to design a compact PC that would satisfy three main goals: It needed to be easily 3D printable, It had to fit in my backpack, and It needed to physically accommodate hardware powerful enough for my workload. With this project, I used my technical skills in Solidworks, gathered precise measurements to ensure low tolerances between computer hardware and the printed parts, practiced my skills in electronics to ensure the PC is fully operational, and deployed my knowledge in 3D printing to ensure a finished product that would not look out of place on a professional workspace.
Solidworks images showing the chassis and details.
Render of the chassis with the hardware installed.
Renders of the final product.
Context render of the PC in an office environment.
Printed chassis before and after the installation of hardware. The chassis is screwed together using heat-set threaded inserts attached to the chassis with the help of a soldering iron.
Finished PC with the outer shell installed. 
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